Sunday Easy Ride to Glebe Farm


8 of us got lucky with the weather on today's easy ride.

Some of the regulars are away doing the Way of the Roses, so 8 was a good turnout, given the torrential rain before 10,30am. John, Simon Gr, Vinny and Snowy started from Broken Cross, Brian, Adele and I joined them at Siddington, and Pat met us at the cafe.

We rode as one group, rather faster than the usual Sunday pace, but do-able, until we got close to Mow Cop, when I started yo yoi-ng off the back on the hills. We then split into two groups with Simon, Vinny and myself taking a slightly flatter and shorter route, whilst John led the rest over Mow Cop. We arrived at Glebe Farm, just behind Pat, who had ridden a 17 mile loop from home.

The covered outdoor seating area was empty when we arrived, and we all managed to get our orders placed before a heavy downpour brought in other visitors rushing for cover. The breakfast baps, oatcakes and coffee were delicious. Vinny made a good tactical decision to have a second coffee, so the rain had stopped by the time we set off again. We took a shorter, flatter route back, with Radnor Bank the main hurdle, and we even saw some sunshine. With waterproofs on it was like riding in a sauna!

It was good to get out, and visit Glebe Farm again.


Second coffee whilst waiting for rain to pass over

Second coffee whilst waiting for rain to pass over

Quick stop whilst John adjusted my saddle height

Quick stop whilst John adjusted my saddle height