Sunday Easy Ride to Glebe Farm


Today's easy ride had unexpectedly dry weather but some rather wet roads.

There were 15 out, led by John Jackson, with Simon R doing the backsweeper role (I stayed at home nursing a cold). Other riders included Becky, out on her first Sunday ride (welcome!), Ian, Yvonne, Gwen, Sue, Mark H, Griff, Phil B, Dan, Simon G, Gawsworth John. The cafe had stopped serving breakfast, but oat cakes were still available and a number went for the pie and chips special. John shortened the route back, but one U turn was required due to a flooded road with a car stuck in the middle of it. A few of the riders celebrated the end of the ride with an ice cream at Redesmere.


Pretending that it's still summer!

Pretending that it's still summer!