Lark Ride to Bagnall


Only three riders for our 50-miler to Bagnall.

Apparently there was a clash with another sporting event, although I believe we booked ours first.

We arrived at Jacksons Nurseries about two minutes before the five-strong, double-punctured Larklings. The service was extraordinarily fast, although the place was pretty full. Lunch highpoint: Steve pouring vinegar into his coffee, thinking that the small white jug in front of him held milk. ‘I laughed ‘til I stopped’ Macclesfield Express.

On our return leg, at mile 38, we passed the Sat Club Run coming the other way along Newtown Road, which, in a neat piece of synchronicity, was our second time along that section in just a few hours. After that, I disappointed my companions by remembering that the enchantingly named Gosberryhole Lane was not so enchanting to traverse, not actually being anything other than a very muddy track, so we avoided it. Amended route here.

Don’t forget we now start at 10.00 am until the spring (date TBA, subject to climate catastrophe, election meltdown, plague of vinegar jugs, etc).


Gnarled Old Oak, Steve, Raph (no particular order)

Ride ReportChris Cottom