Blown along on the Sunday Easy Ride to Davenham


16 of us had an easy ride to Davenham, and a much harder ride back again!

We split into two groups at Siddington Cross Roads, John led a faster group of ten with some improvised extra miles added. I led Dan, John B, Kirsten and Paul R, was soon off course, so relied on Paul R's talent for finding the shortest possible cycling route from A to B. This meant we were ahead of the faster group at Lach Dennis, but not for long once they spotted us!

Meanwhile Rob M was a little late setting off, followed the correct route and arrived first at the cafe. We ate well and set off back in two groups which split into three groups for a while. We soon found out why the ride out had seemed so easy! Several of us fitted in an extra cafe stop in Alderley, making the most of the sunny weather.
