Sunday Easy Ride to Dunham


There were 12 of us out on today's warm and dry easy ride.

We set off at a brisk pace (some might say a little too brisk) through the lanes to Ashley Cross Roads, then Rostherne, Bucklow Hill and eventually past the Swan with two Nicks, over our 'favourite ' foot bridge and along the side of Dunham Park. The roads seemed to have fewer cars than usual, but there were a lot of other cyclists around doing a sportive. Red House Farm was busy with lots of children but the cafe was almost empty, and the service was fast. The food was great quality and reasonably priced for the area. Our ride back was slightly more sedate, through the rolling hills and expensive housing around Bowden, through the ever expanding Manchester airport logistics park and through the tunnels. We had a slightly embarrassing moment when the runner who we had cycled past caught up with us again as we climbed the hill past the Honey Bee. We were back in Wilmslow by about 1.30pm, in plenty of time for Kirsten to get to her dance class and for 6 of us to go for a second cafe stop at Costa in Alderley. Thanks to Jim for being back sweeper, and well done to Claire on her second ride out with us.


Gwen, Alicia, Jim, Claire, Alison, Griff, Kirsten, Vinnie, Phil B, Simon G and Dan.

Gwen, Alicia, Jim, Claire, Alison, Griff, Kirsten, Vinnie, Phil B, Simon G and Dan.

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Polite queue

Action shot by Alicia

Action shot by Alicia