Lark Ride to Wimboldsley
Here is the route I planned, not quite the route we rode. I spent much of the day cursing my Garmin for demanding that I follow a trail, not the road, at mile 15, only to find just now that I had indeed plotted a route along the canal (more care needed, much more care). How useful it is that now lots of riders are Garmin-equipped so I don’t actually have to pay a lot of attention to where we are going, enabling me to spend my time more usefully discussing Love Island: Extra Bits only needing to heed the regular, if discordant, chorus of ‘Off course’.
Fortunately Bennet’s superior-to-mine Garmin allows him to move his screen so he can actually see where we should be, not just where we are, so he saved the morning for us and repeated his magic in the afternoon when we turned our collective nose up at my planned route along the second leg of Sandy Lane at mile 37.5, when in any case my ‘unit’ was playfully pretending that I was in Park Grove, Macc, after I had stupidly turned it off at the cafe along with my lights and video camera (I need a master switch). More on the latter later, but expect an 18 certificate release for my forthcoming film noir classic Blackfirs Lane, The Untold Story.
There will be a collection next week so I can upgrade my navigational aids or maybe I can slip a Garmin Edge 1030 (Wiggle £419) onto my club expenses alongside my claim for a second class stamp (now, I see, a breathtaking 61 new pence), where I imagine it should sit unobtrusively enough to escape the forensic eye of the club’s formidable, but much treasured, treasurer.
Failing that, I could just refuse to leave home without Bennet.
My average speed 14.8 mph.
Craig, Steve, Bennet, Janet, Mark H, Carl, Jill, Andrew, Christian, Mark B, Russell. Early bath: Mike C. Welcome to Jill and Mark H on their first Lark Rides.