Lark Ride to Winnington


So I very much enjoyed my ride with Mark, Raph, Steve, Craig, Pete and Ewan, even managing to keep up with them on the return leg as well (Raph having been too charged up to stop for lunch and Mark getting a free upgrade to return with the Larklings).

Yes we got a bit muddled up, route-wise, a couple of times. This is due to me plotting two routes (Larks and Larklings) in too much of a hurry because I wanted to watch Love Island Series Six on catch up (I know, I know, but hey, don’t judge me) and failing to check whether or not I have sent us all down a lane that doesn’t actually exist as anything more than an Anglo Saxon suggestion across a field. It is also a function of tweaking a route, ie dragging it a bit, and not doing it properly, which sometimes means that the route doubles back on itself, calling for a U-turn, not to be confused with a U-bend.

But any suggestion that I deliberately plotted the ‘Sandy Lane Bog Diversion’ as a thinly disguised attempt to add welly to my South Park pre-ride plea for more ride leaders to share the load, will be met with a robust denial from my solicitors Messrs Golightly, Archibald and Badger.

Aspiring leaders can see what’s involved on our ‘Leading Rides 14-point Checklist’ on our Documents page or by clicking here. Applicants please form an orderly queue at (IT wonks are on hand to expand my inbox to cope with what I am confident will be a server-busting response), failing which I shall ‘plan’ (see above) a hilly (weather permitting) Larkling Ride (in close co-operation with the heroic Steve P (not the new one, the old one, sorry the used one, sorry the pre-loved one, oh never mind), who has already put his head above the parapet and volunteered to plan (don’t see above, I’m sure he’ll do it properly) a hilly Lark Ride for you.

I love it all really. I just don’t want to lead every week. And I can’t lead two rides at the same time anyway.


Winnington Mar 1.jpg