How a Autumn Chain Gang Should Be


We had the best turnout for a few weeks and good enough to get a good chain gang going on the steady training ride yesterday evening.

At 6:30 it was about dusk and the seven of us were well prepared with good lights front and back which were all set on constant before we rolled out and down Pexhill in fine conditions. It was a new experience for Ivan who was on his first in the dark and it does take a bit of concentration and nerve. So a bit of a learning curve which he came through well 👍.  

Starting properly over Siddington X road’s we soon got going smoothly and at a good training ride pace the only interruptions being unavoidably at road junctions. There were no missed turns until Peover mountain (no names mentioned but Dave did say his legs regretted missing the ride for a few weeks 😎) where things slowed a little but most importantly the group all stayed together working for each other.

Back at and over Siddington X road’s again for the push up Pexhill it was Rich on the front dragging us up virtually all the way with the rest of us just hanging on the best we could. Bartosz had a go after Bearhust lane but didn’t last long, but long enough for Rich to have a recharge then put the hammer down again and gap us all to solo across the line at BX 💪🥇. Simon was the best of the rest 🥈, followed by yours truly 🥉 , then Bartosz, Ivan, Dave and Mark. 

All in all a very good ride by everyone and good to finish with a social in the Park Tavern with a few more clubmates  for a bit of rehydration 🍻 and  a debrief. Let’s keep it going and a few more participants would be welcome. I wonder how many times more I will manage to keep Bartosz off the podium, probably none but let’s see 🤪.

Ride ReportFred Wardle