Ride Report Dambuster Gravel Ride


Sunday 10th April - Macclesfield - Derwent and Ladybower Reservoirs.

Two of us completed the gravel ride on a fine and dry Sunday. Starting at 09:30, we climbed through Macclesfield forest to The Cat and Fiddle and into Buxton. From there we passed Waterswallows, Smalldale and Peak Forest before hitting the first bridleway then rejoining the road and descending into Bradwell. A brief stop at the Co-op gave us sustenance to tackle the fab 23 miles of road and byways around the reservoir, taking a moment to enjoy the spectacle of the overspill down Derwent reservoir dam. The surfaces around the waters was really good since much of it has been upgraded with hardpack. Still plenty of muddy puddles I am pleased to report. Down to Hope, for a well earned coffee and snack before climbing Mam Nick and dropping into Chapel then towards Whalley before turning south to pass Fernillee reservoir, Goyt Valley and back via Standing Stones and the forest.

82 miles and 7200 feet later, a shower, some food and an early bedtime!

Phil K