Easier Training Ride @ 10-2-7. 4th July


We had another new rider out continuing the trend of the last couple of weeks.

Paul G (Griff) did very well, like most first timer’s he faded a bit towards Artist Lane, but that’s normal and he had done a pretty big one the day before so well done Griff.

It was a record turnout; Chris S, Vinney, Rich T, Dave A, Rachel G, Andy R, Eddie G, Jim D, John H, Fozzie R, Jill W, Bennett G, Mike C and myself Fred W making it 15 (why dont we get numbers like that in January?). I had feared that keeping so many together might have been difficult but not so and good marks for discipline to everyone. There were no missed turns for the main event and with stronger riders keeping it steady where necessary any gaps quickly closed up. Just how it should be.

Climbing up Artist Lane Chris and Bennett battled it out with Bennett just making it over the line first and John H making up the podium places. But that effort must have cost Bennett a lot of calories as in the Park tavern later he ordered no less than three portions of chips.

Also joining us in the PT were the Just a Rider’s and Mark W from the fast chain gang. Mark reported that ride had gone well with eight out. In view of the numbers we have been getting at 10-2-7 we could afford to lose a couple of our strongest regulars to the faster chain gang. You know who you are, we would miss you and you would always be welcome back plus you can still join us in the PT for beer and chips.

Jim’s waiting for Andy taking his time coming through

Jim’s waiting for Andy taking his time coming through

Fozzie moves up to take control at the front

Fozzie moves up to take control at the front

Our women’s rep enjoying spinning out after a PB in the club 10 the night before

Our women’s rep enjoying spinning out after a PB in the club 10 the night before

Griff had a good ride on his first outing at 10-2-7 and good to have Eddie back

Griff had a good ride on his first outing at 10-2-7 and good to have Eddie back

Chris winding up for Artist Lane as Jill cruises through. Have a good 25 on Saturday Jill

Chris winding up for Artist Lane as Jill cruises through. Have a good 25 on Saturday Jill