Wold Champs club run to Radway Green


It can rain in Cheshire as well as in Yorkshire.

And it did a bit on the way out but then the roads dried up as if nothing had happened but it started getting windy. Well you cant have everything and no one complained.

There were plenty of complaints from Andy though on the way back when we did a bit of gravel riding at Davenport Hall, then he wimped out of going through the ford at Swettenham, that could have ended up as the wettest bit of the afternoon.

There’s no separate women’s category on the club run so Rachel got ride of the day🏆 , well actually second ride of the day as she had already led the social ride in the morning making it a pretty high mileage effort.

It there had been a KOM category Christian would have grabbed all the points and at the top of Pexhill the podium positions would have been a bit different if he hadn’t peeled of at Dark Lane to save his legs for cross racing. So it ended up Fozzy🥇, Fred🥈, Simon 🥉. Credit to Simon though we did hang on to his wheel until the final push.

Ride ReportFred Wardle