Circuit of the Cloud (23 Sept 2018)


Twelve riders turned up at Bosley Crossroads for our inaugural Circuit of the Cloud.


The idea was suggested to me by our Club Secretary who thought it would be interesting to try and replicate the idea behind our very popular Barry Hyde Circuit of the Edge - basically to ride up and down as many climbs as you can find without repetition (a sort of Just a Minute on bikes) - around another local landmark.  It was left to me, as a local resident, to devise the route.


My aim was to include several of the lesser known climbs in the area as well as introduce riders to some of the local history such as the Quaker Graveyard in a farmer’s field, Drummers Knob (where a young Jacobite drummer as shot and killed by an English sniper during the retreat from Derby) and one of the only remaining examples of what was once a common Station Building on the old North Staffordshire Railway).


I certainly succeeded in finding enough climbs since my Garmin recorded 4,000 ft of climbing in the 40 miles. And I am sure that those who took part probably won’t forget in a hurry the climb of Rushton Bank (fortunately it was dry on the day of the ride) or the following climb up The Dingle. 


I’m already planning the 2019 edition with an additional loop (or possibly, loops) of climbing for those who found this year too easy! In the meantime, you’re welcome to try out this year’s route but be warned that GPS isn’t always entirely reliable on routes like this (or the Circuit of the Edge) as a small group discovered this year, and that some of the climbs can get very slippery in the winter with mud and leaves.



Ride ReportChris Cottom