Last Saturdays Club run

It was was a little more hilly than the last few.

There was a lot of other stuff going on that day; the ride down to the Knocking Shop and the Invitation 10M TT but in the park at the meet up were several wheeler’s for the road ride to Bagnall and a few more for the Gravel ride. Unfortunately out of the road riders only one wanted to do the easier route but well done to Brian S for finding his own way down there, let’s hope it’s a bit more social next time.

It was only 20 odd miles to the cafe stop but going via Timbersrook up from Bosley, then Mow Cop up Ganney Bank just to mention a bit of the climbing it was about 1-0-clock before the stop. On the return leg it was up to Lask Edge from Endon then down to Rushton then the sting in the tail up the Minn and what a good day to do that, everyone going up at whatever pace they were comfortable with, a bit of a tailwind and belting view’s. 

After all that we were back at the Kings Head about 3:30 pm and about quarter of an hour later the gravel rider’s turned up who unbeknown to us had followed us up the Minn.

The next saturday club run will be on the 18th May  and we will try another destination making the best of the (hopefully) better weather. In the meantime you can have a flatter ride on the Bikeathon this saturday:

Fred Wardle