Sat 1pm Club Ride - High Leigh

We had a good turn out for the Sat 1pm ride to High Leigh Garden Centre Cafe. 11 riders were out with 9 leaving South Park and 2 other riders catching us up at the Cafe (Mick, Fred, dave R, Dave H, Eddie, Andy R, Bennet, Rob, Fossy and Mark). We had reasonable weather no rain and very little wind but no sun either. Given it is January we have been fortunate. On the way out we ignored Cross Lane given it was very muddy and wet but did go down Hocker Lane which was almost as muddy!! This was the only part of the route when we should have followed Mick on auto pilot! We made very good time to High Leigh and back with no mechanicals or punctures. We did 50 miles with 1700ft of climbing at an average speed of 14.6 mph (me as I was a bit sluggish after a few weeks off the bike).

Ride ReportAndy banks