Sunday Easy Ride to Tea Junction cafe


There were 15 out enjoying some chilly sunshine on today's easy ride from Macclesfield.

11 set out from Broken Cross, and picked up 3 of us at Siddington, whilst Jack went out on his trike and met us at the cafe. The route out was mostly on gritted roads, but with a few lanes as we got closer to our destination. We encountered one very icy patch which some of us dismounted for, whilst a few braver ones rode it and managed to stay upright despite a motorist coming up behind us and tooting her horn repeatedly. The cafe coped well with us, and our multiple orders for cooked breakfast, despite being one member of staff down, and us having 5 more riders than I had predicted yesterday! We rode back along the lanes, and Jack did well to get his trike along Hermitage Lane. Total mileage about 27 from Siddington, average speed 12.3mph. Well done to Lisa, out on her first Sunday ride after a couple of Saturday social rides.


Refuelled and ready to go again!

Refuelled and ready to go again!

Jack tackling Hermitage Lane

Jack tackling Hermitage Lane

Looking forward to cooked breakfasts

Looking forward to cooked breakfasts

Lunching with caravans

Lunching with caravans