Saturday Club Run


With a tailwind and one electric motor to help we made quick progress to Wheelock.

Arriving at the cafe well ahead of schedule the pre planned route was abandoned for something a bit more ambitious so we headed to Middlewhich then Byley, Seven Sister’s and finished by climbing up through Mottram.

Pete was battery assisted, Fred navigated out, Mick navigated back, Simon was strong, Rachel was steady, Fozzy was sensible and Dave had mudguard issues. Miles in the bag; a good fifty, average speed; who cares, we all stayed together and had a good winter ride.

Dave reminded me of the responsibility to make a photographic record but he was actually the only one from our ride who did’t make the blurred photo shoot in the Ship Inn with the MTBer’s among’st others. Maybe he had to dash home to stitch another extension on his back mudguard in time for next weeks outing. Talking of which, it will be another route planned and/or changed with a view to the weather this time of year.

Ride ReportFred Wardle