Lark Ride to Eaton
Really enjoyed this 63-mile flat ride.
For the first time since records began we reached our mid-point destination The Drays Coffee Shop ahead of the Larklings, averaging 16.9 mph.
Replete with my baked beans on granary toast with vegan margarine (no soya milk, although a warmed plate made my day - yes I’m easy to please), I even took the front for a postprandial five miles with Pete, so smug at being able to do so for a change that I forgot to restart my Garmin.
Average speed for whole ride until I bade farewell near home to my dear colleagues (Bennet, Christian, welcome back Simon C, Carl, Russell, Pete, with Mike C having joined us until Lach Dennis on the way out and Kevin W opting for a free return leg upgrade to the Larklings) in order to achieve the principal purpose of the afternoon, foraging for dandelions - a target smashing 17.4 mph. So with that un-monitored five-mile leg - probably 27.4 mph. Believe that and you’ll believe anything.
How good it was to be on my Big Boys’ Bike. Next week I might even remove the stabilisers.
Mike, Bennet, Janet, Pete, Kevin, Ian, Kevin, Jim, Jen, Greg, Simon, Dave, Christian.