A few more out @ 6.30 on Thursday


It was a bigger turnout of riders than the last couple of weeks who gathered in the car park at Broken X last night and headed down Pexhill at 6.30.

Sometimes a chain gang works well with big number’s but it can be more difficult to keep together especially with it being a mixed ability ride and so it happened. Although it seemed easy enough to some of us it wasn’t for others, gap’s were happening and the shout to ease up and / or go steady was being made more than it ideally would be, so at the crossing of the A50 we split into two separate more manageable groups of seven.

Most of the first faster group had all ridden together for the last few weeks which makes a difference and we soon got into a slick rhythm past the halfway mark  and for the remainder of the circuit. At the top of Pexhill Ben again proved to be the best finisher🏅, when he opened up his sprint Pete jumped but couldnt stay with him and had to settle for second over the last crest but as Pete faded it was Fred second over the actuall finishing line 😎🤪. Next Bartosz who had done the last big pull (thanks Bartosz😎) followed by Rich, Mark and Hannah.

The second group had a steadier ride round the circuit keeping it all together, 18mph  back to Broken X so in the middle of the rides target speed as a measure of interest. Even though it was a steadier group there was still a bit of a smash up going back up Pexhill with regular Dave 🥇coming out on top then a great effort from  Chris🥈on his first outing for a few weeks followed by Colin🥉 . Rob & Ivan were also in the mix up, then whilst Andy had sat up and on his first chain gang Tim was first hybrid bike 💪😤.

The final action on Pexhill counts for nothing in the end, result’s the night before in the club 10m TT really matter as they do for the hill climb the night after. Three rider’s out had done the 10 the previous night: Hannah, Pete and Rob so all the virtual silverware and joint ride of the night🏆🏆🏆 should go to those three for riding as well as they did, it probably felt a bit harder than a recovery ride at times.