Easier Training Ride 23rd January


One member, Steve L turned up for the faster training ride.

As it happened Jill, Andy, Ant, Christian, Mark, Dave, Fozzy and Fred all turned up for the easier training ride @ 10-2-7 so Steve rather than doing a hard solo ride and being a former 10-2-7 regular joined us.

I reported two weeks ago that it wasn’t one of our faster circuits and predicted if we all continued to ride for each other speeds would pick up and that’s exactly what happened last night. it was a steady and well disciplined chain gang with very few missed turn’s. Everyone was still going through on Congleton Lane towards the end which I think is a first.

The main problem was visibilty in the foggy mizzle which seemed to get worse through the ride. We were all very good at shouting up potholes (plenty of those). The trouble was we were so focused on the tarmac we didn’t see a parked car on Middlewhich Road until we were nearly on top of it. You could call it a close pass, actually it was so close Ant tried elbowing it out of the way. There were plenty of choice expletives but top marks to everyone for keeping in some sort of line and upright. We had a debrief in the PT and the consensus was Fozzy was on the front and the car must have been in his blind spot, but Fozzy wasn’t at the debrief himself tho so he might beg to differ.

We all got back to Siddington X road’s and started back up Pexhill together, it wasn’t quite so together at Broken X but that’s OK. Fozzy did a good turn on the lower slopes, Chris was on the front most of the rest of the way ( and some of us were off the back most of the way). It wasn’t a night for trying to hard to get a good position for the final sprint when it was a struggle to even see the verge but we all finished the ride safe and sound bang on schedule about 8.40.

Ride ReportFred Wardle