Easier Training Ride @ 10-2-7 on 26 September


A tale of two punctures.

Obviously we had rushed the first one a bit at Siddington when Col had a flat again at Hoply Tyres so the second stop was a bit longer. since we were well behind schedule we headed straight up the A50 rather than the normal route which reminded me why we don’t go up the A50 any more.

By that time it had started to rain a bit, not heavy and not even worth capeing up but a reminder that from now onwards mudguards are going to be required.

Despite the stops and the wet the twelve of us who were out had a good training ride, everyone worked hard and when we were moving we were moving quick enough.

By Artist Lane Rich had already peeled off, Mark W, Christian and Col were the first three up but I’am not sure in what order?, Elliot then Fred W just managed to squeeze into the fives. The six minuter’s were; Andy R, Alison, Rachel, Daisy, Dave A and Fozzy. All strong rides and not much waiting or time to catch a breath at the Wizard and those of us that made it to the Park tavern were in time to get a order in for chips before nine. Job Done.

Ride ReportFred Wardle