Lark Ride to Goostrey


Many was the time in my training ride career that I waited alone in the rain at Broken Cross, wondering if the Bicycle Gods would grant me a companion.

This time I was late, and, as I approached HQ, dodging the Park Runners, I saw just one brave heart was waiting for me at South Park under the pitiable shelter of the Accursed Pavilion.

Let the record state. Raph, for it was he, is made of sterner stuff then me, even forsaking overshoes for this wettest of wet rides.

Both our Garmins had terminal route-failure so we rode up Ryles Park Road and up the path to the back of the allotments, through to Moss Lane, Cong Rd, Lowes Lane, Woodhouse Lane, Church Lane, Cong Rd, Shellow Lane, Pexhall Road, Cockmoss Lane, Cong Rd, Marton Hall Lane, Messuage Lane, encountering a plethora of extended floods and the latter in particular being so bad that I ended up putting my feet down.

I’d had enough by then so we turned right into Trap St and back via Lower Withington and Pex Hell, getting home before 11.00 so cold that I had to get my daughter to unclip my helmet as I couldn’t do it.

DON’T FORGET: Lark and Larkling Rides move to 10.00 am start from next Sat 2 Nov.


Ride ReportRaphael Murray