Easier Training Ride on Thursday 14th Feb


Last night at 10-2-7 was how a winter chain gang should be.

With a few more of us out all sharing the work the speed was up on the week before. It wasn’t just the numbers that mattered though, with a wide range of different strengths, ages and abilities on the ride, all respected that and contributed to to keeping it together for a slick a ride as possible.The result was we got round the circuit about five minutes quicker than last week, not that last week was shabby either.

It was especially good to have Lynda C out with us again after a long long time and also Ollie S after not so quite a long time. Solid riding from both and please join us again any time you want.

Ollie was first over the line at the Wizard (bookies favorite for that one) then a clear gap to Ant L with Col Y hot on his wheel. The other decent finishers on the course were; Rachel G, Andy R, Carl F, Rich T and Fred W.

Your correspondent will be on a training camp in the Costa Blanca mountains with Team Dementia Data for the next two Thursdays and he dosn’t want his Fridays to be spoiled by reading bad report’s. Not that there should be any as there are plenty of regular rider’s who know the drill and can keep the ride in good order. There’’s no pressure on anybody to be ride leader but Andy R was very busy practicing shouting steady last night when he thought it was getting untidy so maybe….

Ride ReportFred Wardle