Sunday Easy Ride to Davenham


We had a good turnout for today's easy ride, with a large group setting off from Broken Cross, and two groups from Wilmslow.

I led a slower, shorter ride, with Pat, Lisa, Martin and new rider Pauline, whilst John led Snowy, Griff and Jim. First arrivals at Oakwood Marina were the group from Broken Cross, second in was John's group. By the time that my group arrived the wait time for food was an hour, so I made a rapid executive decision, and took my group up the road to Shipbrook. It was much quieter, food came very quickly, and we were on our way home well ahead of the other groups.

Our route home went via Knutsford, my Garmin behaved, and we took one short cut, to get us back before the rain. Meanwhile a number of the Broken Cross group as well as John's group decided to all head back to Wilmslow to sample the delights of the Red Bus tearoom.

Lots of miles ridden, my group did 34 miles, well done to Pauline, who normally only rides a 10 mile circuit!


Huuuuuuuuge slices of cake at the Red bus

Huuuuuuuuge slices of cake at the Red bus