Sunday Winter Training Ride


Tough conditions out on today’s ride. We had a hardy group of 9 riders out. Matt, Dominic, Jo, Olly, Tom, Jamie, Ant, Kinga & I. We headed out on main roads only today which meant a little bit more traffic but kept us away from any ice. Unfortunately this meant some traffic lights which Dominic’s Track work has definitely prepared him well for! It was deceptively windy out which hurt on the front or I was more tired than I thought from racing yesterday. We did a route of 3 loops that was just as hard psychologically as every time you thought you were on your way home we turned away again.

Our usual press on came up school lane in Henbury. I think Tom just about took victory after an impressive late charge from Dominic.

We didn’t have any dropped bananas and we all worked hard so a good ride. Jo had the foresight to take a picture as we met up so thanks for the pic Jo.

Next week myself & Simon are away so Mark P is in charge of the route. I think everyone knows the drill by now.

Ride ReportMonica Eden