Mud Wrestling at Beacon Park


Four Wheelers braved the Beacon park mud wrestling championships today at R4 of the NWCCA.

Great to see Paul H with a day off from looking after his frequently injured wife (Sorry Ruth ) and riding to a very respectable 39th place in the V50 event.
Yours truly was allowed to borrow his own bikes today as Thorp Junior was unable to ride ( recovering from last week’s mishap).
Don’t break my bike Dad will you ?
Anyway I managed to pedal (slowly) and push it to finish exactly midfield, 40th in the V40 race.
And I didn’t break MY bike Joe.

Final race of the day saw another good performance from Captain Matt L making another podium finish in 3rd place. Top Junior Robert R kept him on his toes all the way as usual to finish 4th overall and 2nd junior.
Big thanks as ever to top pitman Greg for his tireless help in the pits #star
See you all next week at Heaton Park when I’ll have handed MY bikes back over to Thorp Junior and I’ll be relegated back to lowly pit duties.
Well done all 👍

Dave T

Race reportDavid Thorp