From the local paper, 1948:
“At the instigation of Mr Albert Brough a meeting was called of all cycle enthusiasts in the town to ascertain if there was sufficient interest in forming a local cycling club. The inaugural meeting took place at The George Hotel, Jordangate, Macclesfield, on Tuesday, July 20, at which ‘twenty-three interested people were present, including two young ladies.’
‘Macclesfield Wheelers’ was adopted as the club’s name after a show of hands - 15 being in favour.
The Club Colours – by a majority vote – were adopted as black and white”.
Inaugural club run, to Lymm, 15 August 1948, departing from Brough Cycles, Water Street.
Highlights from minutes of meetings 1948-1976
First Committee Meeting 23 July 1948
The opening Club Run was decided to be held on Aug 15th 1948. The lunch venue to be Lymm and the tea, Somerford. Lunch at 1 pm. Tea at 5pm on all Club Runs. Meeting place – Waters Green.
Second committee meeting 17 August 1948
The behaviour of younger members of the Club was deplored by the Committee and the Captain was instructed to warn them that on any repetition of unruly behaviour they will be brought before the Committee and suitably rewarded for their efforts to disgrace the good name of the club.
Club Run 29 August, lunch Whitchurch, tea Middlewich.
Committee meeting September 1948
Mrs Stubbs reported the attendance of under 15s on club runs without being notified, as Captain, by the members introducing them. If no one member of the club had invited them & no members will accept responsibility for them, the Captain was instructed to inform them that he was unable to allow their attendance on the Club Run.
Club Run 3 October, lunch Alton Towers, tea Waterhouses.
Committee meeting September 1948
Following discussion on a procedure to be followed when a member(s) stops during a club run, the following proposal by C. Barratt, seconded by P. Whitmore, be brought to the notice of leaders of club runs -
that the leaders of any club run shall, when a member or members have dropped behind or stopped, and do not catch up with the main body after a short distance has been covered – call a halt and await the reappearance of the members(s) concerned. This is to apply especially at cross-roads when there is any doubt of the member(s) behind taking the wrong direction.
Committee meeting November 1948
The Social Sec reported that an attendance of 34 at the Bonfire & Hot Pot held at Throstles Nest on 5 Nov. The evening, despite the rain, was a success.
The club affiliates to Manchester & District Time Trials Association.
21 members enter the club’s first hill climb at Wiltshaw Hill, Nr Hollinsclough, Derbyshire. D.W. Spearing offered a ‘Booby’ prize for the slowest ascent, which was claimed by V. Chadwick in 3m 0s.
The Club Badges were reported ready for collection (price 2/6 to members only, the cost to the club being 2/1 each).
Miss M Brough reported more ‘horseplay’ by some members at catering establishments. Stricter control was deemed necessary by all officials.
Committee meeting February 1949
The death of a junior member, Ernest Etchells, was officially reported by the Hon Sec – a great loss to the club. His parents presented a small pipe rack to the club asking that it should be kept in the Club Room as a memento.
Club Run 3 April, lunch Eccleshall, tea Middlewich.
Committee meeting April 1949
Interclub Mid Year 25 with South Lancs R.C.
Prizes: 1st fastest 7/6, 1st handicap 7/6, 2nd 5/-.
For the ladies: 1st handicap 4/-, 2nd 3/-.
Committee meeting September 1949
John Bethell joins club as a junior.
Committee meeting November 1949
Agreed that the Committee shall adopt as Bankers of the Club, the Stockport Trustee Savings Bank.
The Captain reported the non-listing of members present on club runs by the Sub-Captains in his absence, and desired that the Committee should reacquaint these two members with their duties.
Committee meeting 9 January 1950
Club Champion W Kinghorn:
25. 1:3:11
50. 2:5:36
100. 4.30.26
Av 23.270 mph
Ladies Champion Mrs M Kinghorn
10. 27.55
25 1:9:51
Av 21.432
Committee meeting May 1950
Mr Whitmore reported that the Club had to pay 16/- for meals ordered and not consumed on Club Run 30 April. Payment was approved.
Club Run 9 July, all night ride to Rhyl, leaving 11.30 Sat night.
Committee meeting December 1950
Hon Soc Sec – reported that the Bonfire and Hot Pot Supper was successful and also the Dinner Dance at which 120 were catered for. Miss Brough reported that two members of the Altrincham Ravens CC ‘gatecrashed’ the dance without invitation or payment. The Hon Sec will contact their Sec expressing disapproval of their actions.
Hon Racing Sec – stricter control of riders behaviour in events will be enforced re riding head down etc etc. The re-run of the Harriers v Cyclists resulted in a win for the runners. Cyclists being hcp 5 mins each.
Committee meeting February 1951
33 memberships were fully paid up.
Prizes for Speed Judging Contest:
1st Cloth Map
2nd Paper Map
Club Run 4 March, lunch Frodsham, tea Alderley.
Committee meeting March 1951
A request from the Sutton Walking Club for help in the marshaling of their course for the All England Walking Championship had been attended to, several members offering their services.
The Captain reported that attendance on runs continues good. Meals have been reasonably good, the bad ones having been noted for future reference.
Club Run 1 April, Captain’s Mystery Run.
Committee meeting April 1951
Hon Treasurer – submitted a bill from N. Carline for payment of prize values won in 1950.
1st Hcp Club 10 23:8:50 7/6
2nd Hcp Club 50 23:5:50 10/-
1st Hcp 50 17:9:50 15/-
2nd fastest Hill Climb 5/-
Payment being approved.
Club Run 29 April, lunch Bangor, tea Audlem.
Committee meeting May 1951
Mr Lawton was pleased to report a new Club 25 record by P. Whitmore of 1hr 3m 4s in the Derby RC event.
Mr Barratt requested that dates be arranged for mid-week 10’s.
Club Run 10 June, Southport all day, 7.30 am start.
Committee meeting June 1951
Captain – still good attendance on Club Runs, averaging over 24. There had recently however been some very erratic riding by some members. The Hon Sec will warn members by a notice in the Club Room.
Committee meeting July 1951
A new 12 hr record was reported Mr Lawton. Riding in the West Cheshire T.T.A on July 8th, Norman Carline covered 239 1⁄2 miles, a very fine effort.
Club Run 12 August, all night ride to Stratford-on-Avon [cancelled owing to bad weather by mutual consent].
Committee meeting August 1951
Mr Lawton then reported a very fine ride by Mr Whitmore in the Championship 100 of 4:29:22, being 12th.
Committee meeting September 1951
Captain reported everything in order on Club runs, members attendance for the month averaging 27.
The Dance has been arranged at the Parochial Hall for Friday 26 October 8pm – 1am. Ken Pars Orchestra will officiate. Cost of Band hire £11. Hall £7.10.0. Tickets to be 3/- each.
Miss Brough reported that Mrs E M Hammond had complained to her about not being notified of club events. The error will be rectified.
Committee meeting October 1951
Mr Lawton was pleased to report 3 new Club Records:
100 mile Team. SLRC. 13hr 46m 13sec – N Carline, H Poynton, P Whitmore
12hr Team. M/C Wh. 715m 1f 121yd – N Carline, H Poynton, P Whitmore
12hr Individual. M/C Wh. N Carline 240m 1f 52yds
Committee meeting 6 November 1951
Captain – No members arrived at lunch venue at Hartington on 4 November. Mr Worthington will send a letter of apology.
Committee meeting December 1951
Captain – Attendance confirmed very good on Club runs. Meals attaining a reasonable standard. £1 had been sent to Mrs Kavanagh at Hartington in lieu of meals not consumed but ordered. This action was approved and the Treasurer was instructed to reimburse Mr Worthington for the amount stated.
Committee meeting February 1952
Hon Sec – Two applications for junior membership had been received from Miss B Ballentine and J Parkinson – both applications being accepted.
Committee meeting April 1952
Hon Sec complained of erratic riding by an increasing no of members during club runs when inexperienced riders were present. Committee agreed it was a dangerous practice when members were continuously breaking the club. Future persistent offenders will be called before the Committee and one penalty will be the non-acceptance of entries of the offenders for club events.
Club runs:
11 May, lunch Llangollen, tea Nantwich.
18 May Club 50, lunch Middlewich, tea Frodsham.
25 May, lunch Ashbourne, tea Alton.
1 June Club 50, lunch Toft Green, tea Hartington.
Committee meeting July 1952
Club Run 13 July, lunch Bangor-on-Dee, tea Nantwich.
Committee meeting August 1952
The Captain – reported fairly steady attendances on Club Runs, although he had to send telegrams to caterers at Ashley and Elkstones as it was obvious that the attendance of this run would be NIL, and the meals would have to be cancelled.
Club runs
24 August, New Brighton, all day.
7 September, Club 100, lunch Lymm, tea Beeston.
Committee meeting February 1953
Captain – average attendance on Club runs – discussion amongst members during a recent Club run on the formation of a ‘Loiterers’ section, was brought to the notice of the Committee by the Captain.
Committee meeting April 1953
Hon Sec – asked for discussion on club racing jersey design. It was agreed to convene a Special General Meeting on Friday 24 April. All members to be notified of same.
Committee meeting 5 May 1953
Mr Lawton reported an accident on Club run to a non-member on 3 May. Mr Lawton giving the boy 5/- to cover his expenses home, the machine not being in a fit condition to ride. It was proposed by C Barratt, seconded by Miss Brough, that Mr Lawton if he is not reimbursed by the said cyclist, shall be paid the 5/- from Club funds – which received unanimous approval.
Coronation Day ‘25’ mile T.T and Reliability Trial:
Course: Allgreave – Flash – Goyt Valley – Long Hill – Whaley Bridge – Disley – Kettleshume.
Committee meeting June 1953
Mr Lawton also stated that great difficulty was being experienced in obtaining checkers and marshals for events.
Hon Treasurer – requested payment approval of the following accounts.
S. M. Morley – engraving 2 medals 8/6
Tills – 500 letterheads – £1.10.0 being approved.
Mr Whitmore reported 50 paid up members, but many were at reduced subscription. 10 or 12 members of long standing not yet paid.
Committee meeting July 1953
Club Run 9 August, all-night ride to Rhyl.
Minutes missing September 1953 – July 1959
Committee meeting September 1959
Tickets to Dinner Dance not going too well.
It was agreed that a prize should be given to the member selling most Raffle tickets 10/- 1st. 5/- 2nd.
Committee meeting January 1960
Club’s proposal that they should be allowed to run a Junior Road Race in addition to the J F Parkinson Road Race accepted by the BCF.
Club Runs
10 January, lunch Grindleford, tea Whaley Bridge.
31 January, lunch Frodsham, tea Someford.
Committee meeting February 1960
Hon Treasurer asked for the approval of a donation of 10/- to the MDTTA for the purchase of a watch to be used for timing MDTTA events.
Committee meeting April 1960
Club Run 24 April, lunch Langsett, tea Marple.
Committee meeting May 1960
Club Run 15 May, lunch Bangor-on-Dee, tea Tarporley.
Committee meeting June 1960
Club Run 3 July, all night ride to Ludlow.
Committee meeting December 1960
J A Bethell stated that he had been unable to arrange a Boxing Day tea. A running race was therefore suggested and an impromptu run arranged.
A loss of approx £5.5.0 was announced for the Annual Dinner Dance, this comparing favourably with previous occasions.
Club Run 15 December, lunch Hayfield, tea Goostrey.
Committee meeting February 1961
A proposition that the clubroom weekly subscription be raised to 9d was rejected.
Committee meeting 6 March 1961
C Barratt stated that he had enquired the price of a Buttane Heater for the clubroom. It was decided that the price approx £6 was too expensive.
Committee meeting April 1961
The application for membership by Reginald Hargreaves Harris, was discussed and it was pointed out by Maurice Jackson that to admit Mr Harris to membership of the club was contrary to the rules pertaining to election of members, ie that an intended member should attend at least four full club runs before applying for membership. It was stated that no useful purpose could be gained by enforcing this rule in this particular case. A vote was therefore taken. Mr Harris was accepted 8 for, 2 against with 1 abstention.
The course usually used for the club’s Open Road Race has not been passed by the police due to not conforming with the regulations ie that an event shall not pass through more than one and a half miles of a restricted 30 mph zone, the distance too much being one tenth of a mile.
The press secretary was asked to mention in his report that Reg Harris was a member of the club. A vote was taken as to whether this should be done. 9 for, 2 against.
Committee meeting May 1961
A discussion on the proposal by the Landlord to allow someone to use the clubroom as a workshop, followed. G Wardle agreed to see the Landlord to clarify the matter, and to make it plain that the Committee did not relish the proposal and if it should come about a reduction in rent would be expected.
Committee meeting April 1962
A request for donations for the Empire Games Fund was discussed. It was decided to make a collection amongst club members and to donate 10/- from club funds.
Committee meeting August 1962
Club Run 9 September, lunch Chester, tea Goostrey.
Committee meeting March 1963
After discussion it was decided that the clubroom should be given up and the landlord informed. The room to be cleared and the chairs etc disposed of.
Committee meeting December 1963
The Dinner Dance was discussed and it was the opinion of those present that it was generally enjoyed but that the meal itself was not up to standard. There being no sweet being the main complaint.
A new supply of jerseys were said to be necessary. Six new ones to be ordered of various sizes.
Club runs
Christmas Day, Cat and Fiddle 10.30.
Boxing Day Run, meet Buxtion Road Bridge.
29 December, lunch Frodsham, tea Goostrey.
5 January, Treasure Hunt.
Committee meeting April 1964
Club runs
19 April, lunch Langsett, tea Coombs.
Committee meeting May 1964
The meals ordered at Whitwell Spa for which club members were unable to turn up, were paid for in full by the Hon Treasurer. A receipt for this has been received, also a letter of thanks welcoming the club to visit the venue in the future. It was agreed by those present that although it may seem expensive at the time to pay for uneaten meals out of club funds, it was the only way to keep meal venues open to members and cyclists in general.
Committee meeting August 1964
The Hon Secretary put forward the suggestion that to aid club funds Christmas cards be sold. These being available from “Miller Greeting Cards” in assorted wallets costing from 2/- to 4/6 a packet. Th eprofit for the club being 6/8d in the pound. It was decide that the possibility be investigated and samples sent for.
Captain. Club runs fair attendances, but a tendency to “burn ups”.
Committee meeting 7 December 1964
Club Runs
25 December Cat and Fiddle.
26 December Ilam Hall YH.
27 December Foolow and Castleton YH.
28 December Return home.
Committee meeting May 1966
Captain’s Report. Stated that although runs were being organised no one was supporting them.
Committee meeting February 1968
The treasurer reported a very low ebb in the financial condition of the club due mainly to lack of subscriptions. Certain affiliation fees were outstanding & we owe £3.10.0 to the Manchester Division BCF loaned to us for the purpose of fixing dates of events. There was £5 profit to come from the Social Sec for the dinner & £3 advertising money from Baileys. However it is obvious that the club is getting into a very low financial position & something will have to be done to rectify this pretty soon.
Committee meeting March 1968
Secretary’s report. A circular had been sent to some 60 ex-members of Macc Wheelers inviting them to become vice-presidents of the club.
The treasurer reported a flourishing month with 34 paid up members and 3 paid up vice-presidents. In all our assets stand at around £29.
Club Run 21 April, lunch Runcorn, tea Knutsford, depart Alderley Edge 9.30 am.
Committee meeting October 1968
Social Sec’s Report. Dinner 23 November. Turkey menu 18/6. Tickets 23/6. 5.30 pm for 6 pm.
Committee meeting November 1968
Social Secretary had booked the Turkey Dinner for the Dinner Dance and had already sold 110 tickets. She had been informed that last year’s band been double booked but that their agency were providing another band without a singer. During the period when the band were having a break a Folk Singer from Buxton would provide us with entertainment. It had been decided not to employ a doorman but to do this ourselves and thus save the cost of same.
We were now averaging 10 to 12 on club runs.
Committee meeting December 1968
Club Run 12 January, lunch Matlock, tea Leek.
Committee meeting January 1969
Club Run 2 February, lunch Llangollen, tea Kelsall.
Committee meeting February 1969
A letter had been received by the secretary from Irene Ward resigning from the club, although she wished to remain as a Second Claim member. After much discussion her resignation was accepted.
Club Run 2 March, lunch Hollingworth, tea Yarnfield.
Committee meeting September 1969
Captain’s Report. No club runs organised since March. Nobody interested in anything but racing during this time. They will commence again in October.
Committee meeting September 1969
Treasurer’s Report. We have 21 fully paid up members and it was mentioned that X had not yet joined and would not be eligible for ‘fastest 23 trophy’ if he did not. Mrs X owed the club following the Pie Supper held last Christmas. This amount would be repaid after the Dinner Dance in November.
Time Trial Secretary’s report. G Wardle had received an enquiry from a prospective member, who lived in Wilmslow. J Bethell and S Halligan had called to see him but there had been no-one in. They reported that he appeared to be of affluent parentage and they would call again.
Committee meeting January 1970
Matters arising. Geoff Oliver didn’t receive a drink with his dinner at the Dinner Dance.
Committee meeting May 1970
Social Secretary. The Folk Evening was very enjoyable and the Peak Folk Four were reported to have derived a lot of pleasure from singing to a more attentive audience than usual.
Committee meeting July 1970
Matters arising. Graham Wardle had been ‘told off’ by G Gorman (RTTC) for starting the Open 25 30 minutes later than the approved time for the Manchester D.C. Fortunately no further action would be taken.
Committee meeting September 1970
Social Secretary. Nominations for Guest of Honour at the Annual Dinner Dance were invited. Les West, Hugh Porter, Vin Denson, Arthur Clay and Inspector Boardman were suggested. After discussion later in the evening the Chief Constable of Cheshire was nominated and Joan Barker agreed to send him an invitation.
1970 Road Races. Neil Baker got off his chest his disappointment at the apathy shown by members relative to the Parkinson event. If they weren’t prepared to give up a day’s racing, then events such as this should not be run. Success depends entirely on them. There had been considerable embarrassment at the Race HQ when tins of Nutrament were found to have been stolen. Some club members were involved but they were a minority.
Manchester Velo through John Bethell challenged the club to a football game on 23 November. The committee agreed unanimously to accept.
Committee meeting September 1970
Arrangements were complete for the AGM. It had been agreed that no formal agenda would be prepared and motions would be accepted at the Chairman’s discretion during the meeting.
Committee meeting November 1970
John Bethell explained the apprehension about (a) senior member(s) looking after the new junior members on Sunday Club Runs. It is necessary for a rota to be created where different officials etc would look after these riders arranging alternative routes where needed to see them home safely avoiding utter exhaustion. No volunteers stepped forward.
Committee meeting 7 December 1970
Barry Lawton has offered trophy(ies) to the club for new competitions with juniors in mind. The prospect of awarding one for a 10 mile competition was discussed. It was noted that F Lawton was rigidly against senior competition at this distance.
To help the club financially it would be a good idea to organise a film show as successful as the one held February 1970. The secretary will give it consideration.
Committee meeting September 1971
The club's finances and commitments were of deep concern.
A Bethell claimed he could quickly boost club membership by as many as 30 new recruits if he was given adequate support.
Dinner dance - free drinks with dinner discontinued because of the cost.
D Norton is promoting a club open event on the Hartford course.
A profit was made on the Open 25 because Stuart Pearson had refunded his prize money.
Committee meeting October 1971
Potential new members are being lost to Cheshire RC and it was speculated that Ron Fitchett would be resigning to join them.
£2.80 income from the Inter-Club 25.
Some riders attempted the annual Shrewsbury and back record - D Stringer was fastest in 5h 16min 51 sec
Committee meeting November 1971
More effort must be made to keep members informed of current activities.
Dinner dance - Nora was asked to tell Terry he must toast the prize winners and John Bethell was compelled to reply for them.
Open 25 race: there was general agreement that the Chelford - Congleton course should be nominated in view of the increasing danger of racing on the Chester road.
Committee meeting January 1972
Mike Roberts now has a phone (Congleton 6326) and hopes more members will give him news for the weekly press reports.
The North Staffs track is to be rebuilt and another £1000 has to be raised.
Runs to Matlock and Royal Cottage and a week-end training run to Llangollen were agreed. There would be other training/reliability events.
Committee meeting February 1972
Suggestion that members should be thinking along the lines of a Macclesfield and Congleton Club.
1972 promotions were: Spring H'cap Road Race, Evening Criterium Series, Open 25 TT, Parkinson Memorial Road Race.
Committee meeting March 72
New Club Room: arrangements made with the Scout group for the use on Wed evenings of the Mafeking Hall in South Park Road.
Committee meeting April 1972
The criterium organised had written to the Oldham Century RC about the committee's decision to return their road race entries to record their disapproval of their pathetic attempts to organised events during the past three seasons.
Committee meeting May 1972
The Scouts proposed a weekly contribution of £1 for the use of the Mafeking Scout Hall.
Committee meeting October 1972
A weekly subscription of 10p inclusive of a cup of tea for use of the Club Room was unanimously approved.
Committee meeting March 1973
Criteriums: M Roberts explained the need for an application for an alternative course because of the temporary closure of the Fools Nook/Macclesfield canal bridge. Three other courses were suggested and it was hoped to secure approval for an eight mile Gawsworth, Pexhill, Siddington, Marton, Gawsworth circuit.
Committee meeting April 1973
No volunteer to lead schoolboys and juniors.
Strong feelings expressed concerning JA Bethell’s proposal to affiliate to BCF North Staffs rather than M/C Division. This was prompted by the desire to give schoolboys a better deal but risked splitting the club.
Committee meeting September 1973
A suspended fine was imposed by the BCF for unsatisfactory organisation of the Handicap races.
Annual General Meeting December 1973
1973/74 Officials: F Lawton (President), MJ Roberts (Secretary), Mrs J Barker (Treasurer/Social Secretary), Road Race Secretary/Runs Captain (JA Bethell), Time Trial Secretary (G Wardle), J Fenwick/Di Johnson (Junior Reps), G Knight/S Whalley (Schoolage Reps).
Committee meeting January 1974
It was reported by JA Bethell that Alan Kemp was very seriously considering joining Warrington RC. Those present were very understanding of the influences affecting such a move and in many ways extremely sympathetic towards Alan for maintaining allegiance to the Wheelers during the 73 season when support from the club was decidedly little.
Congleton Carnival Race - Joan Barker - with the exception of the Traffic Executive at Crewe all appropriately involved local bodies were in support of the race on a slightly modified course to that used for the Charter Race in 1972. A Willis, Congleton CC, had almost jeopardised the success of the event but Mrs Barker reported having smoothed things over.
NS BCF application - in accordance with the agreement reached at the AGM a formal application had been submitted to Nth Staffs and contrary to the expectations of certain high ranking officials of that body, the application was accepted.
Committee meeting March 1974
Disco - there had been a report in the local press that discos at the Bollington Civic Hall were no longer to be held because of consequent rowdyism. It was believed that it would not affect 'private parties' and thus the proposed 'series' for the autumn could go on.
F Lawton felt it was time that a register was started to avoid the loss and/or lack of knowledge of whereabouts of trophies. The secretary asked him to provide a book of sorts for the purpose and F Lawton agreed.
Committee meeting August 1974
Clubroom - Pitiful attendance was reported by J Bethell. A rota system was conceived by W Holmes for members to take turns at caretaking. W Holmes volunteered to be the coordinator.
Parkinson Memorial Race - everyone pleased with the general way the race went. Spoiled by overzealous M/C Division (BCF) officials and the weather.
Committee meeting October 1974
Clubroom - breakdown of rota system - behaviour. A meeting held end Sept with St Johns Scout Committee warned we would be banned if senior members continued to absent themselves, supervision essential for younger members.
Committee meeting November 1974
It was announced by the Secretary that Kay Metzeler's Marketing Director, LW Davies had written regretfully withdrawing his company's support for the annual Bollington Road Race because of the current economic climate.
Committee meeting January 1975
Clubroom - The St Johns Scouts have written withdrawing the use of the Mafeking Hall on Wednesday evenings because of the non-attendance of senior club members thus fulfilling earlier threats. The Club has no clubroom.
Committee meeting May 1975
The Club Hill climb was debated and agreement reached to run it early in Aug (6th) as a roadman's event on the Cat & Fiddle.
Committee meetings - A Clark proposed that the officials etc could meet more conveniently and regularly by adopting the Vale pub in Adlington Road as a constant venue and agreeing to meet on the first Monday of each month. The suggestion was accepted.
Committee meeting June 1975
Club Activities. There was general discussion about weekly Sunday runs which were proving popular and were in the main, lead by G Wardle. It was hoped they would continue throughout the summer starting from the Packhorse at Broken Cross soon after 9.30 am -riders returned home mostly before 2.00 pm.
Committee meeting July 1975
Club runs. Whilst not every week, there was still a run most Sunday mornings from Broken Cross at 9.30 am approx.
Committee meeting November 1975
Club subscriptions:
Senior: Basic: £1.25 BCF: £2.50
Junior: Basic: £0.75 BCF: £1.75
Second claim: £0.75
School age: Basic: £0.50 BCF) £1.00
Committee meeting January 1976
Insurance. The secretary informed the meeting that most of the cups had been valued at a total of £1125 but that 3 other cups plus the 'Parkinson' Trophy had yet to be valued. It was agreed that all cups be insured and on the basis of a final value of £2400 this would cost £6.
AOB. It was agreed that the club should purchase two pairs of wheels for use in the track bikes. B Nolan offered a pair of rims and J Bethell hubs in order to make up 1 pair, built up at the club’s expense.
Committee meeting March 1976
Handicap Championship - the following handicaps were agreed:
R Rowland Jones: 1.4.0/2.14.0/3.45.0
RT Wesley: 1.4.0/2.14.0/4.40.0
M Barker: 1.4.0/2.14.0/4.40.0
A Clarke: 1.0.0/2.10.0/4.45.0
Plenty more where this came from. Just need volunteers to select snippets from the minutes and newsletters. If you can help, please contact us at
Image archive
We have many more images in our gallery archive, which you can find here
Many thanks to all that have given their time to finding and collating archive pieces.
If you have any items that you would like to contribute please do get in touch. Non-member and former member contributions gratefully received.