Covid-19 Guidance
Page last updated 17 May 2021
From 17 May club rides are no longer bound by the "rule of 6" and club activities can take part in extended group sizes, up to a maximum of 30. We recognise that this is a significant shift after several months of restrictions. Please be aware that ride leaders may still (for reasons of ride safety), break large groups into manageable sizes along the lines of ability and/or speed.
I would urge all members to read the materials on the following link, in order to remind yourself of the responsibilities we all have when participating in club rides:
Riding on road (
We do need to recognise that everyone has had different experiences of lockdown and not all members will be wholly comfortable with interacting in large groups. We need to continue respect those individuals preferences. The rules on social distancing and using facilities such as cafes do still need to be adhered to until further restrictions are lifted by the government, currently this is expected from 21st June.
Social distancing must be maintained at all times
Do not attend if you have symptoms and notify the club if you develop symptoms having been on a ride
Ride leaders may record who attended
If you must clear nose / throat on a ride, then please go to the back of the group first
The committee will be reviewing this advice on a periodic basis to ensure compliance with national guidance.
Frequently asked questions regarding the Covid situation
Which rides are ‘on’ and why aren’t all rides happening?
The club is reliant on ride leaders to organise rides. Not all ride leaders wish to ride or lead during this pandemic and there is no expectation from the club for them to do so. Being a ride leader has its responsibilities and risks. If a ride leader is not available then the ride will not be on. If you are a club member and are interested in leading a ride, please contact Fred Wardle:
If it’s not in the Upcoming Events list (on the homepage) then it is not on. Don’t just assume things are back to normal.
Do I need to pre-book?
This is at the discretion of the ride leader, but it’s probably a sensible idea to enable the ride leader to gauge numbers and if necessary recruit further ride leaders. Please see the calendar entry for any pre-booking requirements which can assist with organising separate groups and ensure social distancing at the start of the ride.
What if I organise an informal club ride?
If you organise informal rides on behalf of the club (for example via the Facebook members group), please ensure you adhere to the same rules. Remember you are still representing the club. Also bear in mind that the rules differ in Wales and Scotland.
I’m a non-member, can I join a ride?
Please check the calendar entry and contact the ride leader before you join the ride. We would like you to ride with us if possible and are welcoming new members all the time.
How do we maintain social distancing whilst riding?
The guidance the club is following from British Cycling and Cycling UK states that 1m-plus distancing should be maintained. It is acceptable to ride ‘on the wheel’ of a rider in front and to ride 2-abreast.
Do we have to stop at a café on rides?
This depends on the ride. Training rides don’t have any stops, but the longer, slower club runs tend to stop at a café. If you feel uncomfortable with the potential risks of dining in public you could either wait outside, or return alone (in which case you should familiarise yourself with the route). Stops for a drink and a snack are about 40 minutes, lunch stops can be longer.
Some social rides may include a pub stop. These are usually at the end of the ride and (as with the cafés) attendance is voluntary.
Do I need to bring a mask?
If you intend to go indoors in a café or pub then you will now need a face covering, even just to queue inside to order your food, or to visit an indoor toilet. As things stand it’s a good idea to have one anyway, in case you need to help out another rider, where you might end up within close proximity.
Do we really need all these measures? I just want to ride my bike.
So do we. It may be that you have a fairly blasé attitude to risk, which is fine so long as you are not mixing with others who do want to be responsible. Most of the measures we are taking (apart from being sensible) are in fact law. There is no choice element to it. If you honestly think the current measures are too much hassle then please refrain from joining our group rides for the time being.
When will things be back to normal?
The honest answer is: It’s impossible to know. Even when we have the “all clear” from the authorities, things might end up being different than they were before. Please check this page regularly as we will update it after any changes to legislation / guidance.