3 Loops (201km) Information
201km reliability ride. Estimated 10hrs including stops, average speed 23-25km per hour.
Meet at Broken Cross public car park, Princes Way, SK11 8UB for an 08:00 start.
Lights & pocket food required.
There are two planned cafe stops, Walk Mill at 60km & Old Ma’s Tea Room at 140km
John will be leading a ‘no-drop’ 200km ride, also leaving at 08:00 from Broken Cross
2 Loops (160km) Information
Ride leader: Louis
This ride will be at 18-19mph
1 Loop (100km) Information
The ride at Sunday Easy Ride pace will have 2 cafe stops - Whitegate Station and Hopley House
We normally do this ride in various groups, depending on how far you want to go, and how fast. If you have always wanted to try a “century” ride, then we highly recommend this one.
Three options: 100km, 100miles, or 200km.